Those still playing Codemasters’ racing title GRID got some bad news over the weekend when on Friday the company announced that it is taking down the multiplayer servers for both the PC and PlayStation 3 versions of GRID. At least for the time being, the multiplayer servers for the Xbox 360 version of the game will continue to be available.
The news was delivered in a post by Ian Webster, community manager for Codemasters, in a post on the Grid forums. The post says that the decision comes as the third-party server hosting provider declined an offer to extend the contract to continue to provide the servers and bandwidth necessary for the multiplayer functionality of the PC and PS3 versions of the game.
Webster does not say much more than that in the post, other than thanking the PC and PS3 fans that supported the game. GRID was released in 2008 and was quite well received. While the news was not apparently well received by some forum members, it would appear that Codemasters isn’t really concerned about the fallout surrounding this, as it is just a business decision.
Since the game came out in 2008, it really isn’t that surprising that multiplayer is being discontinued, as a number of titles lose their multiplayer after a couple of years. This seems to be the trend these days, as the costs of maintaining servers for these older titles that are not being used costs the company money.
Published in
PC & PS3 GRID servers taken down

GRID servers for 360 still up for now