One of the arguably more successful hacker groups LulzSec, has started to take down games servers.
So far four sets of servers have been hit. These are CCP's EVE Online, Escapist Magazine, Minecraft and League of Legends. It is not clear what the outfit was thinking about when it targeted these sites. The only clue is a tweet, which claims "we did it because they couldn't stop us."
The games servers do not seem to have a common thread linking them. So far the group has targeted outfits with lax security so it is possible that they all had poor security that the outfit wanted tightened up. The group recently was brazen enough to set up a phone number for the community to request new "targets." So far it has hit Sony Pictures,, and Bethesda.
Minecraft is now back up. The Escapist and EVE Online still appear to be down at the time of writing. Players have been seen wondering the streets having not seen sunlight for several years. There is a very real danger that they might wander out into a road and be run over. More practically it might be a good idea for those people who are involved with those networks to change their passwords. So far LulzSec does not seem to have flogged personal data to cyber criminals but it might be a good idea to make sure what ever is published is so out of date it is not important.