Published in Gaming

Master Chief not in Gears 3

by on02 May 2011

Not making a special guest appearance
Despite a number of rumors circulating that Master Chief from Halo was going to make a surprise guest appearance in the upcoming release of Gears of War 3, these rumors are apparently incorrect.

None other than Cliff Blezinski has confirmed that while it is true that they approached Microsoft with the idea of having Master Chief in Gears of War 3, apparently Microsoft was a bit to “squeamish,” according to Cliffy B. The apparent reason for the decision has more to do with the hard core nature of Gears of War franchise, and Halo being a bit more dubbed down when you compare the two.

Still, despite Master Chief not making an appearance in Gears of War 3, we suspect that he will not be missed. The ongoing multiplayer beta seems to show a great amount of action and fun without Master Chief.

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