Published in Gaming

What is Batman Imposters?

by on18 April 2011

Domain registered by Warner Bros
In a domain registration by Warner Bros we are hearing whispers of a potential Xbox Live Arcade title that is said to be headed that way called Batman Imposters. When we first starting hearing about the potential existence of the game we were told about it under the title of Gotham City Imposters, but with the domain filing that appears to be incorrect.

There are several other domains registered by Warner Bros, as well, including,,,, and At best, we think that these are additional domains to drive traffics to or at to at least decoy domain registrations.

It would seem that the references in the domain registrations lead one to believe that the potential title would take some of the game play based on the animated series or comic book plots. Right now, there seems to be nothing else to tell other than our sources do expect an official announcement at E3; and it could be that the release comes ahead of the game as sort of a promotional warm up before Arkham City is released later in the year, according to one source.
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