It seems no matter how much goes right for Homefront, the title (being one of the biggest releases out right now) is under the microscope. The news yesterday that the price of Homefront was slashed to $47 by Wal-mart and Amazon, of course, didn’t go over very well at THQ. While the prices are now back to normal MSRP, the bid to grab some sales was not supported in any way, shape or form by THQ, according to a statement released by the publisher.
The latest problem, however, seems to be a bit bigger, as developer Kaos Studios is investigating multiple reports of the game “freezing” on both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 platforms. The developers, communicating through the support forum for the title, say that, “…we need bit of time to figure out what the problem is,” and as you can imagine, that isn’t going over well with players who have already been fighting issues with the dedicated servers not having enough slots available.
The latest news from Kaos is that they are still adding more server capacity and things are improving. As for the “freezing” even before the menu, it is hard to say what is causing this issue. Even when they do figure it out, it will be some time before a patch can be deployed, as it has to go through the console certification process.
Let’s hope that while they have been waiting for the release that they have also been getting a patch ready to address a couple of the other reported bugs, and when the resolution for the “freeze” issue arrives it will also address some of the other issues.
Industry analyst Colin Sebastian from Lizard Capital stands by his prediction that the title will move 1.5 million units before the end of the month. While he admits that the game received disappointing reviews from critics, the first-day sales of 375,000 units is good and shows a nice pre-order to sales conversion. The THQ stock price has bounced back once it was announced that they sold 375,000 units the first day.
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Homefront price drop not supported by THQ

Reported freezing problems now causing issues
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