THQ confirmed today that the publisher will be “repositioning” its launch of Homefront. Instead of it being released on March 8th, the title has been moved back a week and will instead arrive on March 15th. No reason was given for the decision.
Sources that we spoke with indicate that the reason might just be that Pokemon Black & White and Dragon Age 2 are slated for a March 8th release. Homefront is a big title for THQ and Kaos studios and the move to the 15th of March gives the publisher the chance to launch the title and dominate launch day, as nothing else really big is slated for release on that day.
If true, the strategy could actually be a very good decision that should help give Homefront every advantage to get off to a good start. Retailers that we spoke with indicate that pre-orders are picking up on the title and customers are asking their staff more questions about the title.