While Gran Turismo 5 isn’t even out yet, rumors are already starting about what kind of DLC to expect once the game is finally released. While it is known that the game will ship with around 800 cars, apparently it will not ship with any motorcycles.
Now we are hearing that despite dropping the motorcycles from the main game, apparently the first downloadable content pack will be focused on motorcycles. While the Polyphony Digital folks will not confirm it officially, the word is that this is the direction they are leaning toward.
Some video game racing enthusiasts think that it is only logical that this will be the direction for the company to extend the game. Of course, isn’t the point that the game needs to ship first? Sony is still sticking to the claim that the title will ship before the end of the year, although it might not be running at 60fps in heavy load situations from what we are hearing.
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GT5 DLC rumors already starting

Motorcycles said to be in the first DLC offering
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