Believe it or not, Gran Turismo 5 has been delayed yet again and will miss its November 2nd ship date. This news comes by way of a PlayStation blog post. The post goes on to suggest that while you might be skeptical of the claim, the title will ship yet this year. However, no new release date was announced.
According to the posting, series creator Kazunori Yamauchi and the developers at Polyphony Digital want to “…deliver the perfect racing experience and exceed expectations when it launches,” and apparently they need additional time to do this.
Gran Turismo 5 has taken a lot of flack for being in development for almost six years and for having multiple release dates that have all been broken. The title has actually become the Duke Nukem Forever of the video game racing world, with many suggesting that it will never ship. We suspect, however, that the title will ship, but it is possible that it will not arrive this year and might get pushed into next year.
Sony is likely unhappy with the latest missed release date; but with all of the money and development invested in the title, they are committed to getting the title released. We will see how this plays out, but many are likely to be unimpressed when the next release date is announced and they are left wondering whether or not this time it is for real.
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Another Gran Turismo 5 delay

Will still ship before the end of the year
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