Once again, the gaming world (and arguably common sense) is affected by political correctness, albeit by a less margin than we’re used to seeing. Medal of Honor devs have now decided to rename the multiplayer “Taliban” into “Opposing Force”.
It has been a burning issue these past few months, despite many open-minded and honest people saying they couldn’t care less about it. Indeed, executive producer Greg Goodrich writes on his blog that the majority of feedback received by the company “has been overwhelmingly positive.” Note that the game still remains as it is, the only change is in the name.
On the other hand, with the political climate being as it is, it’s quite understandable seeing the company thread these waters carefully. The guys made a game they thought everyone should like and it’s not worth losing face (or sales) over a simple name. After all, nobody wants to be labeled “against us” and they sure don’t want to leave the impression that they don’t care, even if they really didn’t (which we sincerely doubt).
A wise man once said that words in themselves mean nothing, it’s the context we give them and the speaker himself that will ultimately make them “good” or “bad”. Now however, wisdom seems to be more of a curse on the bearer than anything else. But hey - what else did we expect from the race that wants to ban plastic guns but keeps the real ones?
You can find the blog post here.
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Medal of Honor renames "Taliban" into "Opposing Force"

Aaah, we feel much better now
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