Published in Gaming

APB shuts after three months

by on17 September 2010

Five years development down the gurgler
Massive multiplayer game APB: All Points Bulletin is to close after only working for three months.

The game took five years to develop the online role-playing game where players fight each other. However it is the latest casualty following the closure of Dundee-based developer Real Time Worlds (RTW), with the loss of 250 jobs.

Creator Dave Jones wrote on APB's official forums that he wished he had the chance to continue to craft APB into the vision the company had written for it.

"It has been a long & difficult journey but ultimately rewarding to have had the chance to try something bold and different. I am so sorry it had to end so quickly but hopefully the good memories will stay with us all for a long time," he wrote.

Word on the street is that Epic Games in the US might be pitching to buy the game and get it running again. It is not saying anything however.
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