With the news that Realtime Worlds is all but done, a number of publishers and developers are planning to hold recruitment events in Dundee this week and next to clean the bones of the sinking developer. According to reports, Activision, Creative Assembly and Blitz Games are some of the companies looking to pick up talent from Realtime Worlds’ staff.
The latest news where Realtime Worlds is concerned is that apparently the Administrator involved with the process of figuring out what to do with the company has already heard from several companies in both the U.S. and U.K. that are interested in the assets of Realtime Worlds. There is no word yet on what assets have drawn interest or whether a company has expressed intent to purchase the entire studio.
One thing of note is apparently the Administration does have a desire to sell the APB title to a buyer who is interested in continuing the development and operation of the game. They are said to be focusing on a buyer for APB who will do just that, if at all possible.