It has been a long time since Namco Bandai released an Ace Combat title. In the case of the Xbox 360, Ace Combat 6, which was released in 2007, was only one of a very slim few flying games for the console. Namco Bandai is planning to crank the series back up again with the release of Ace Combat Assault Horizon.
Beyond hearing that Assault Horizon will be coming next year, we don’t actually know a lot about the release yet. According to the sources we have spoken with, Assault Horizon will be very different in many ways from the previous releases and will feature some new things, including perhaps the piloting of new flying vehicles (for example, the helicopter).
While you will have to wait till next year, the good news is that the company is planning a release for both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Sources tell us that the publisher finally felt the time was right to release a new Ace Combat title; and that is the reason that they have cranked up the franchise again.