It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Microsoft will do pretty much everything in its power to make everyone wish for Kinect, but the company might want to keep its creation in the shade until it’s polished and ready. If nothing, then for offloading a few of these units until the public catches on.
The latest appearance of the company’s representative on Jimmy Fallon show might appeal to those who like comedy, because anyone even remotely serious about gaming will surely find Kinect a very funny way to get yourself rid of the pesky Franklin-Grant duo that has been tickling your wallet.
The entire demo seems to have been fun, but then again - TV can make the iPad look like DeepBlue. Couple that with the fact that the audience is obliged to “have fun” and clap on cue, and you’ve got yourself a perfect advertisement…almost.
The reality was that Kinect ran pretty laggy and we’re pretty sure that even casual gamers will find it quite irritating to play at times. In fact, if you pay attention you’ll see the most notable example where the “lagginess” shows – jumping. The on-screen players were pretty slow to react and their jumps often started only after human players landed altogether.
You can find the video and see for yourself here.