Published in Gaming

Ad assault launched to promote UFC 2010

by on08 June 2010


THQ to crank up the PR machine to try to boost sales

In case you have not noticed, THQ has cranked up the PR in an effort to saturate just about everything a potential gamer could see with news of the release of UFC Undisputed 2010. Popular Web sites, magazines and television all seem to be carrying the message of the UFC 2010 video game launch.

After disappointing sales and retailers being overstocked it is no wonder that THQ is spending this significant amount of coin to promote the products in an effort to get sales moving. Sources tell us that the THQ is puzzled as to why sales have not been better, but they believe that this advertising blitz should help get things moving in the right direction.

We think that the advertising saturation in conjunction with the retailers also marking down the title price might just be enough to help the title build some sales momentum. It is somewhat a mystery as to why the UFC 2010 release stalled so quickly and why THQ didn’t invest more money up front in promoting and advertising the title. It seems a little late to us to kick off a big marketing campaign for the title now, but THQ must think that they can boost sales enough to make it worth it.

Last modified on 08 June 2010
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