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More at Infinity Ward bail
Several of those departed join Respawn
It seems that the departures from Infinity Ward continue despite the news we have heard that Activision has apparently stepped up its attempts at curbing the number of departures by offering additional monies in trade for signed agreements to stay on till the end of the next project or for a set period of time.
In spite of these rumored efforts from Activision, word has it that senior designers, Mohammad Alavi, Brent McLeod and Chad Grenier have bailed. In addition, designer Jason McCord and programmer Chris Lambert have also moved on from Infinity Ward. By our count this makes it about seventeen members of the Infinity Ward team that have exited following the start of the entire Jason West and Vince Zampella firing saga.
We can also confirm that at least several of those that have departed Infinity Ward have already linked back up with West and Zampella at the newly formed Respawn Entertainment. Jon Shiring, Todd Alderman, Mackey McCandlish, Rayme Vinson, Mark Grisby, John Paul Messerly and Chris Cherubini are all over at Respawn now, after apparently deciding that they wanted to continue to make their magic being led by West and Zampella. While nothing is concrete, we hear whispers that additional headcount will be filled with more former Infinity Ward departures, as these guys want to continue to work together.
While there is no word yet on what might be the first title to be released from Respawn, it is almost certain to be something special, as there were plenty of ideas floating around between these guys when they were all still at Infinity Ward. For those that want to get in on the ground floor of something special, apparently you can send your resume to , as that is the only thing that is currently on their newly opened Website.