Published in Gaming

Jet Set Radio coming to 360

by on26 April 2010


More Dreamcast classics on the way

We have been hearing whispers from our sources in the land of the rising sun that Sega has apparently been working on getting a number of classic Dreamcast titles converted over and prepped for release on Xbox Live Arcade.

It seemed to us to be mostly idle talk, but now things are heating up, as we are able to put you in the know; the first of these Dreamcast classics appear to be headed to the platform, Jet Set Radio, from what we are hearing.

Better known as Jet Grind Radio in North America, Jet Set Radio was quite popular in Japan, while North America popularity was a bit above average but might not be viewed as highly as other Dreamcast classics. It is not known yet what content will be contained in the XBLA release, but it stands to reason that it should include content from both Jet Grind and De La Jet Set Radio, according to mumblings from our sources.

While no one has confirmed that it is happening on an official level yet, we suspect news will be headed your way in the form of an official comment soon. According to the whispers we hear, it might be that Sega is planning to announce a series of Dreamcast classics releases for the XBLA at E3. We suspect that this is likely the case, but we will have to wait and see. The good news is there are a lot of very good Dreamcast titles to choose from, and many players who didn’t purchase a Dreamcast missed out on those titles; we suspect that their release on the Xbox 360 could prove quite popular.

Last modified on 26 April 2010
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