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Rock Band 3 official for holiday season
Confirmation comes as no real surprise
With the claim that Rock Band 3 “…will innovate and revolutionize the music genre” all over again, it has been confirmed by Viacom President and CEO Philippe Dauman that Rock Band 3 will be headed to retailer shelves in time for this holiday season. The news is no real surprise, as this is what pretty much everyone suspected all along.
Harmonix will be handling the development duties for the Rock Band 3 release, and again, it will be published by MTV Games and distributed by Electronic Arts. So, there are no real changes in the development, publishing or distribution end of things. While everyone has been pretty tight lipped about the future of the Rock Band franchise, it is thought that an announcement would be coming for a holiday release.
The claim that Rock Band 3 will “will innovate and revolutionize the music genre” all over again is going to be a mighty tall order to live up to. The reason for this is that many feel that the music rhythm games have run their course somewhat; and with the announcement that Activision will be backing off on its Guitar Hero releases with the dissolution of developer Red Octane, it was thought that adjustments could be headed to Harmonix, as well.
While the overload on music rhythm titles will continue this holiday season, it looks like it is all hands on deck for the release of Rock Band: Green Day and Rock Band 3, and full speed ahead with this strategy. We look forward to having a look at all of this innovation that Harmonix is going to be bringing to get people interested in these titles again. While we have to believe that it is possible to get people interested, we believe it will take some sort of a new breakthrough, as more of the same isn’t going to get it from where we sit.