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Rockstar under fire over working conditions
Alleged complaints cite multiple issues
Several stories are making their way around the net suggesting that employees of the Rockstar San Diego facility are displeased with their current working conditions. An anonymous blogger posting that was signed by “Rockstar Spouse” claims that six-day work weeks and 12-hour days are only part of the problem, with management regularly moving the goal posts in an effort to get more work out of already overworked employees.
Our sources have suggested that many of the allegations made in the posting are accurate, but they are reluctant to go on the record, as they have already experienced pay cuts and vacation time limited by the management; and they do not want to confirm the accuracy of the information for fear of retaliation by management.
While other companies have experienced similar claims that led to changes, it seems that currently Rockstar is examining the situation before deciding if they will make an official comment regarding the allegations. Of course, it goes without saying that right now these are all just allegations, but indications are from the discussions that we have had with some sources over the weekend that there might be at least some validity to the claims made.
We will have to see what kind of fallout happens from these claims and whether the company is willing to go on the record to defend or explain the situation. It is likely that we have not heard the last of this and we will continue to dig to see what we can find.
In the meantime, you can read more here.