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GameStop confirms CoD: MW2 street date broken

Only in markets where other retailers broke it first
The story of the street date being broken on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 by GameStop has taken an unexpected turn, with the news that GameStop corporate has been in discussions with Activision over the situation. The company is admitting that they have broken the street date in select markets where other retailers were actively engaged in the sales of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 prior to the release date.
Sources say that the decision to break the street date in select markets and by select stores has everything to do with protection of their customer base. This decision was made following multiple conversations with Activision, so they are aware of the situation, according to sources. From our understanding, only customers that had an existing pre-order for the COD MW2 that came into the store this weekend were able to get their copy early in select stores, while other retailers were actively engaged in selling the title early.
We suspect that we have not heard the end of this by any stretch of the imagination; and the finger pointing is likely to continue about the situation over the next several weeks. While some are enjoying the fact that they got the title early, for most it will be a wait until midnight to get their hands on their copy. Still, there are likely to be hard feelings over the fact that some were able to get it early and others were not.