Disney Pixar's latest game Car O Rama, which is the first game to feature Microsoft's Wave 4 protection has already been cracked. The game launched last Friday, and it has taken less than a week to crack.
The protection can be bypassed by downloading a fix for the iXtreme 1.6 hack firmware, which is a 4MB download that you'll have to burn on a DVD9 disc. This disc should work with all the Wave 4 "protected" games, although Car O Rama is currently the only one.
Note that there's a possibility that this fix might get you banned while on Xbox Live, so the company may have at least suppressed piracy during online gaming. On the other hand, we're not sure exactly how long it took Microsoft's engineers to produce this "invincible" protection, but it sure as heck had to have been over a week.
You can find out more here.
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Microsoft's Wave 4 protection system for 360 hacked
Car O Rama took less than a week