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Pink Floyd might have a gaming future

Would consider it, if the offer came up
While many old school music artists have looked at the Guitar Hero/Rock Band craze with suspicion, some are at least willing to consider the possibility. Put super group Pink Floyd in the willing-to-consider it category.
Pink Floyd is recently quoted as telling the BBC that if an offer to create a Guitar Hero/Rock Band game based on the band were to be presented to them, they would definitely consider it. While that is not a total embrace of the promise to commit to doing a video game, compared to other bands in the music business it is does seem to indicate that older artists are at least paying more attention to the possibility of creating revenue from the video game business.
Like many bands that are sad to see the music technology evolution change the business, it is at least heartening to see that some are willing to look at the artistic possibilities of what might be another way to get their music out to people.
We have to say that the entire concept of a Pink Floyd game that incorporates the Guitar Hero/Rock Band type play might not be as interesting as taking what Rock Band The Beatles has created to another artistic level by incorporating the music of Pink Floyd. It is hard to say what kind of game would develop out of this kind of marriage, but we have to say that the idea is at least interesting.