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Crash Course Expansion to cost on 360

Valve insisting that it is Microsoft’s fault
It just seems that the drama surrounding Left 4 Dead continues to grow. If it isn’t people complaining about the quick release of the Left 4 Dead sequel or the fact that Valve is letting users down by not releasing promised content for the first Left 4 Dead, it seems now it is the fact that the promised content that they were complaining about is going to cost money.
Yes, that is right; the Crash Course expansion pack will arrive in September for both the Xbox 360 and the PC. The Crash Course expansion pack will feature new content that will bridge the gap between the “No Mercy” and “Death Toll” levels. It will offer single player, multiplayer, and co-op game modes.
The problem is that if you happen to want it for the Xbox 360, it is going to cost you 560 Microsoft points; but if you happen to be a PC user you will get Crash Course for free. Valve is telling everyone that will listen that they have always had a policy of basically much not charging for additional content; but this time around they have no choice, as they have been handcuffed by Microsoft.
According to sources, Valve claims that a lot of the problem is that they own the Steam platform and they can do what they like, which Microsoft owns the Xbox 360 platform; and while they did help Valve get the first expansion out for free, this time around they had little choice but to charge for it. It isn’t as if Valve needs the money and they are being handcuffed by the system at Microsoft, and there is really nothing that they can do about it.
While it is good, we guess that Valve is letting people know that it was not their first choice to have to charge for the Crash Course expansion pack, especially when they are going to give it away on Steam for PC users. The problem is that this isn’t going to change the fact that players with the Xbox 360 version are going to be charged for it, and that is the bottom line from where we sit.