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Fable III confirmed yet again

Yes, Lionhead is working on the sequel
By now, everyone should know from the last leak that Jonathan Ross posted on his Twitter page that he was offered a part-time voice acting role in Fable III, and that Lionhead is working on the yet unofficially announced sequel to Fable II, which has obviously become known as Fable III.
Now more evidence appears to have been found in the wedding announcements section in the New York Times for lead game designer, Joshua Atkins, who will be marrying Amy Gilbert. Adkins is described as a lead game designer for Fable III, which is a video game series produced by Lionhead studios in England.
So, everyone is now aware that a third Fable game is in production; and while it has not been officially announced yet, it is likely that the leaks will continue till the official announcement. According to what we know, the third version of this game is slated for release in the fall of 2010. We would suggest that Microsoft will take the covers off it at next year’s E3. In the meantime if you are a Fable fan, know that work continues.