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No Gears Xbox bundle for NA yet

Only EU and Australia get it for time being
Right before E3 our sources indicated that Microsoft would launch an Xbox 360 Pro console bundle deal that would feature Gears of War and Gears of War 2. While it was released in the EU and Australia as the Gears of War Limited Edition bundle, the expected announcement for a release date in North America never came.
Now from what we are hearing, Microsoft is rethinking the release of the Gears of War Xbox Pro bundle for the North American market and may, in fact, decide to skip releasing it in North America altogether. From what we are hearing a final decision has yet to be made, and things appear to be headed in this direction.
The biggest reason for Microsoft to not release the Gears of War Xbox Pro bundle in North America is that Gears of War has sold very well in North America, and currently there are perhaps better titles to offer in this market to combat Sony’s PS3 bundle.
While it still might be officially released in North America, right now we have to tell you not to count on it, at least for now.