Published in Gaming

Kodu to arrive later this month

by on10 June 2009


Compare it to LittleBigPlanet, if you must

The Microsoft game design title, Kodu, which has rightfully drawn comparisons to Sony’s LittleBigPlanet, was not shown to the public during E3. Rumors of some showings privately to the media still remain.

Now we hear that Kodu will, in fact, be released at the end of June. According to our sources, Kodu is undergoing final testing and provided it passes, the game design title will be set off into the wild.

Developed using XNA for Xbox 360, the title continues to sound a lot like LittleBigPlanet, but that might not be a bad thing. The ability to unlock your inner design creativity with Kodu will be center stage once released. Microsoft has been talking about giving users the ability to create unique content and this tool can unleash this potential.

With over 200 “building blocks” to create with, Kodu will offer its own channel and promotes the ability to design that is simple enough for the beginner, but complex enough that advanced users can build some amazing content with it.

It remains to be seen how popular it will be on the Xbox 360 platform, but judging from the acceptance of LittleBigPlanet on the PS3, Microsoft’s attempt to stick its toe into the water might be a good thing.

Last modified on 10 June 2009
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