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Forza 3 is on track for release

No change in plan because of possible GT5 release
Microsoft and developer Turn 10 have to be pleased with the showing and press that the upcoming Forza 3 has received this week after its confirmation at E3. Turn 10 is trying to create the most definitive racing game possible on this current generation of hardware, and they are not being influenced by the possible potential release of Gran Turismo 5 that is looming at some point in the future.
Turn 10 seems to be content with their showing of Forza 3, and feedback from those in the media seems to agree that the developer has done an excellent job on what has been shown so far. The best part of Forza 3 has to be the fact that it has a release date for this October, whereas Gran Turismo 5 was first announced at E3 all the way back in 2007, and still Sony has not released any additional details on the possible release of the title.
While many believe that Forza 3 and Gran Turismo 5 are destined to fight it out in a heavyweight battle of the titans between what has to be the best two driving simulation titles that have ever been released, the fact that no word on a possible release of Gran Turismo 5 has to leave people wondering.
With over 400 cars and 100 tracks with a new engine, enhanced physics and advanced AI that is delivered by the Xbox 360 at 60 frames per second, it would seem that Turn 10 has done their homework.