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360 Pro Gears Bundle Expected
Likely to be announced as part of E3
Our sources tell us that Microsoft will announce a new Gears of War Xbox 360 Pro bundle as part of their announcements at E3. Despite the rumors that the Gears bundle is only currently headed to Australia, our sources tell us that this is not the case; and Microsoft will announce it as available in North America and Europe, as well.
The bundle will include the standard Xbox 360 Pro bundle with the addition of both Gears of War and Gears of War 2. The decision to use two such successful Xbox 360 exclusive titles to promote the console we believe is designed to continue to put pressure on Sony, while at the same time attract the attention of those Wii owners who are considering the purchase of a second console. While the Wii sales have been the best of the three, many gamers looking for more of a challenge amd those who purchased a Wii are adding a second console to get the more mature titles that are not available on the Wii platform.
From the whispers we hear, the Gears of War Xbox 360 bundle will be available only for a limited time, which from what we suspect will be till the late fall when Microsoft will launch its routine holiday bundles for the Christmas selling season. Despite the blank stares when we ask, we still do suspect that Microsoft will slash prices this holiday season with the launch of a newer lower-priced revision of the Arcade version of the Xbox 360. Look for Microsoft to offer some aggressive announcements as to the future of the Xbox 360, as the company will want to boost sales in an effort to continue to put the hurt on the PlayStation 3.