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Sales worries continue for THQ
Despite recent success with UFC 2009
THQ still could still face an uphill battle despite its recent success with UFC 2009: Undisputed. UFC 2009: Undisputed, which was released on May 19th, was a bigger hit than expected. Local sources we spoke with stated that they were sold out on release day and had to receive additional product via overnight shipments to satisfy demand for the title. According to various reports, the title is on track to sell over 1.5+ million units the first year, which was much higher than the projected 1 million units that the company expected to sell.
While the news on UFC 2009: Undisputed was very good for THQ, the success could be short lived if Red Faction: Guerilla, which is the next release on tap for THQ, does not meet sales expectations. Red Faction: Guerilla has received a lukewarm reception in various previews, which makes things even dicier for the potential success of the title. Still, Red Faction: Guerilla could surprise everyone; and that is what THQ is hoping.
With no confirmed release date, Darksiders, said to be the next big title in line for release for THQ, it is hard to really know what to expect from this title, as very little is known about it or the potential for this title to offset Red Faction: Guerilla if the title does not meet sales goals. We expect to hear more about Darksiders during E3 which would help to better gauge the potential of this title.
In our opinion, THQ will need to show some new IP at E3 and get gamers excited about what they have to offer in coming months in order to weather the current economic climate. Still, the unexpected success of UFC 2009: Undisputed is a step in the right direction.