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Marvel vs. Capcom 2 confirmed

As predicted will release this summer
As our sources correctly predicted and we told you about previously, Capcom is now officially confirming the pending release of Marvel vs. Capcom 2 or MvC2, for short. MvC2 will be coming to both the Xbox 360 on Xbox Live Arcade and the PlayStation 3 on the PlayStation Network this summer. The exact release date has yet to be revealed beyond saying it will be this summer.
MvC2 has been a favorite among gamers for a long time. The MvC2 pits members from the Marvel universe against those from the Capcom universe. MvC2 will go for 1,200 Microsoft Points or $14.99 on the PlayStation Network when released this summer.
When released, the game will feature a total of 56 combinations of fighters from both the Marvel and Capcom universes. The game will also feature a revamped control scheme that has been adapted to the 4-button controllers, as well as new enhanced HD graphics that look stunning. Support for add-on six button controllers and fighting sticks will be optional, according to our sources.
With used copies of MvC2 fetching prices as high as $100+ in auctions, the announcement of the upcoming release of MvC2 is sure to make a lot of people very happy. From what our sources tell us, the experience as well as the look and feel of the title will be very similar to the Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix that was recently released. It is expected that MvC2 could be much more successful than Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix once released.