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BF1943 to appear 3 months late on PC

Console to get priority release ahead of PC
News has come from the folks at DICE today that the PC version of Battlefield 1943 will arrive about three months after the console versions of the game are released. The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions are to sell for about $15 and will be available for download on both Xbox Live Arcade and the PlayStation Network in June, while the PC version is estimated to arrive in September.
The news of the delay was understandably not well received by PC Battlefield fans that have leveled much criticism at DICE for abandoning the PC with their last release, Battlefield Bad Company, which was only available for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
The Battlefield franchise has had a long and successful history on the PC platform and the spin from DICE suggests that the extra time is necessary in order to do more than produce a console port of Battlefield 1943 for release on the PC. In addition, some of the delay is said to be due to the fact that this will be the first title released on the PC that uses the new DICE Frostbite engine that was first developed on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 and then recently converted to the PC platform.
While some are already suggesting that this is nothing more than damage control by DICE in an attempt to try to put a positive spin on the fact that they need all hands on deck to make the console release schedule of June, it is likely that there are some long-term considerations about getting Frostbite running on the PC and the need to get it right for Battlefield Bad Company 2, which has been officially announced for the PC platform as well as the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
DICE has also received heavy criticism that Battlefield releases Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2142 for the PC were riddled with bugs at launch and in some cases took a couple of patches to get things under control. DICE seems to have taken this feedback to heart, as well, with our sources claiming that the extra time is also required to do the kind of testing necessary to make sure that when Battlefield 1943 is released for the PC it is as bug free and ready for release as possible.