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Sony claims many exclusives on the way

Needs to get out in front and let people know
Sony is letting people know that it has more exclusive titles on the way in the near future. The fact that Sony is going on the PR offensive seems to be an attempt to address recent comments that analysts and consumers have been making.
Recently, the PS3 exclusives MLB ’09 The Show and Killzone 2 have done well on the platform, and it does not end there; new exclusive shooter MAG is coming for the PS3 and RockBand Unplugged will also be exclusive for PlayStation Portable.
Our sources tell us that Sony is hopeful of more “AAA” titles on the horizon for announcement in the E3 time frame. We believe that Sony will need more titles in general in order to compete with the Xbox 360 and Wii at a time when many companies are moving toward increasing development on the Wii and away from development on the PS3.