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Not one, but two LEGO games in the works

No official word yet as far as a release date
With all of the recent success of Traveler’s Tales with the LEGO series of games for both the PC and console platforms, many have wondered what might be next for the studio. Beyond the official statement that the studio was working on the next game, little has been known about what the next LEGO title might be beyond some rumors.
The rumors have always centered on the fact that LEGO has done Harry Potter sets and it would seem logical that this would make a good choice for a new LEGO video game title. Now our shadow dwellers are confirming that the next title that we will see is, in fact, a new LEGO Harry Potter title that is expected in time for the holidays for console systems as well as the PC platform.
In addition, our sources tell us that a second LEGO game is in development, as well. The second title is a sequel of sorts, because surprisingly it is going to be called LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. From what we understand, this title is still in the very early stages of production, but it is planned for a 2010 release.
The decision to do a second LEGO Indiana Jones title is a bit of a welcomed surprise. While the movie might have not been everything that viewers expected it to be, it could translate very well into a video game title in the LEGO world. With the recent bundling of the LEGO Indiana Jones title with the Xbox 360 Pro and Elite systems during the holidays last year, many new fans received their first exposure to the LEGO series with very positive results.
Traveler’s Tales last release was the LEGO Batman title for the console and PC platforms. LEGO Batman was quite successful with sales and buzz that was much better than expected. It is logical, based on the recent success of LEGO Batman, that the studio has high hopes for both the LEGO Harry Potter and LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull as they work their way toward release. We expect to hear more about the exact release date on LEGO Harry Potter later this year and likely during the same time frame as E3.