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Wii retail prices to increase in U.K.

Weakening pound said to be the cause
There is bad news for those in the U.K. who want a Nintendo Wii console and have yet to buy one. According to reports, Nintendo will be raising the price of the Wii console in the U.K. due to the weakening pound. The news, of course, isn’t sitting well with retailers in the U.K. who are already feeling the squeeze on their profits.
In the U.K. we are projecting that the price of the Wii will likely start showing on shelves at the new price of £199.99 including VAT. U.K. retailers already do not have much of a margin on the Wii console, and because of this fact alone it is likely that they will pass the total increase along to the consumers.
It is doubtful that the price increase will have much of an impact on sales. We expect that sales of the Wii will continue to be strong, despite the fact that some buyers will grumble about the price increase.