Published in Gaming

Midway insider trading claims yield subpoenas

by on06 March 2009


Former majority owners subject of the allegations

Midway just continues to be in the news for other thing or another. The latest news from the Midway mother ship is that subpoenas have been handed down to Sumner Redstone clan over allegations steaming from potential insider trading involved with the sale of Midway.

Claims are flying in all directions, the biggest of which is that Mark Thomas (who purchased the majority stake in the company) stands to realize a significant profit for his investment, even if the company does not make it.

As one would expect, many are unhappy about the situation and a good number of the company’s creditors are still trying to learn more about the entire transaction and what has transpired. This, of course, has been compounded by the fact that little is really known about Thomas.

Depositions are slated to start later this month and we suspect that it will take some time to sort the entire situation out, but we believe that the drama over the Midway situation will continue.

On a positive note, the demo for Wheelman has arrived and it looks pretty darned good. Given the fact that the game has been in development for some time and many didn’t know what to expect when it was announced that Midway would be partnering with Ubisoft to release the game. At least some good news can be attributed to Midway on the Wheelman front. It will be interesting to see what kind of sales this title is able to generate and what kind of revenue Midway will see from the sales.

Last modified on 06 March 2009
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