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Shaun White said to get a second shot
Ubisoft said to have sequel in development
While Ubisoft isn’t talking about it, some of those behind the scenes are; and while the sales of Shaun White Snowboarding have not exactly set the world on fire, it would appear that the green light has been given for the development of a sequel.
The flying tomato himself let the cat out of the bag in recent reports, while Ubisoft remains quiet about the future of the franchise. Much of the mystery surrounds a possible sequel due in part to the poor reviews for the title on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 platforms, coupled with a difficult control scheme with a strange and difficult story line.
If there is a bright spot to the title, it has to be that the sales on the Wii have accounted for 40 percent of the sales that the title has had to date; and much of this is due to support of the Nintendo balance board for the Wii, according to our sources. The Wii version of the title is called Shaun White Snowboarding: Road Trip, which did score better than the reviews of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game.
Our own personal experience with the title on the Xbox 360 was a mixed bag. While the environments and graphics looked great, the game was hampered by a difficult control scheme that we just found very challenging to get the hang of. The multi-player mode did show some signs of potential, however.
We do think that the next generation consoles are in need of a good snowboarding game, and those that have come out on the next generation consoles have just not done a good job at making snowboarding fun on these systems. It would be better for Shaun and Ubisoft if they look at the original SSX Tricky and tried to build a game that is just a blast to play, rather than something that tries and fails at being ultra realistic.
In fact, this is exactly what Blackrock Studios did so well with the ATV game, Pure, which continues to be our leading vote getter for most underrated game of the year. It would be nice to see Ubisoft learn from the mistakes of the first release and build a better title in the sequel.