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Ghostbusters game to be pushed by Atari

Game will get released with new publisher after all
The on again, off again saga of the Ghostbusters video game took another strange turn today when word reached us that now Atari looks to be the publisher of the long-awaited and recently dropped title from Sierra.
This game is another one of those titles that has had almost as many rumors surrounding it as Duke Nukem. Still, the latest look at the game that has been previewed by a variety of sources still indicates that the title has a way to go before release, but it does look to have quite a bit of potential.
While Infogrames (who recently picked up all of Atari) is not commenting about it yet, we suspect that we will hear more about the plans for this title and its projected release date soon. Overall, it is a very good pick up for Atari and it is surprising that others passed on this one, as the buzz on this one has been solid. The real question is whether it will really take a year longer and a lot more money to finally get this game out the door.