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New ATV game is Pure fun
Delivers a fun factor that other games lack
Every once in a while a game comes along from an unlikely place or maybe an unknown developer that is truly good and deserving of attention, but the title just doesn’t get a look by most consumers. The new Disney Interactive title, Pure, that was developed by Blackrock Studios is one such title.
We recently received the game as a gift and we were surprised at the level of fun that Pure delivers. Not really being a typical candidate to purchase a game of this type because the central activity of this title is ATV off road racing, this is not necessarily an activity that a lot of people are familiar with.
While you have to suspend your knowledge that many of the moves and tricks in this game are impossible and should never be attempted in real life, the truth is that they are fun to execute and look very cool in the incredible lush landscapes in which the game takes place. The freestyle mode of the game is where we suspect that the majority of the players of this game will spend their time.
While the game obviously borrows a lot from games like SSX Tricky with the impossible over the top tricks, the game never loses sight on the fact that the object of the game is to have fun and try to develop new and interesting trick combinations to win races and score points that lead players to upgrade their ATVs to handle stiffer competitors.
The point is that developer, Blackrock Studios, has created a game that is fun to play no matter whether it is on your own or online with up to sixteen players. The trouble is that Pure may be a victim of the fact that it will not get the kind of press that other higher profile titles get just by virtue of the fact that ATV trick riding isn’t that popular in the real world; and perhaps the fact that title just isn’t one that is attracting a lot of attention, even though the fun factor is very alive in this title.
While the quirky name of the title also might present a challenge due to the fact that although the case is covered with images of ATVs and racing images, it could be mistaken for another MX vs. ATV clone, which the game is not.
The game looks great, plays well, and offers a variety of challenges to keep players interested, but the big problem is that the many gamers will never see. It is not an ultra realistic racing game, but it is instead the kind of game that you can pick up and learn quickly and have fun with immediately. There are no steep learning curve or impossible to learn control systems here.
Pure is available for just about every platform that you can think of, including the PC. Developer Blackrock Studios has delivered a title that is just about fun; and in the humdrum world of so many games today not being able to deliver on the fun factor, it is refreshing to see a title like this arrive that really delivers on the fun.
We are hopeful that the publisher realizes that they are onto something with Pure and continue to encourage the developers to take the title to the next level in a sequel to the game. If they can get more people to give it a try we are pretty sure that most will agree that they are onto something here that provides a refreshing and fun change from the typical console games that we encounter.