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75 percent of releases in Q3 from EA

Sales could be very good in the holiday season
As the race to finish and move titles out the door for the holiday season continues, a surprising discovery has been made. 75 percent of the console titles that will be released in Q3 for the holiday selling season will carry the EA logo or be distributed by Electronic Arts.
EA is setting a new trend that has been happening for some time in the industry, which is that companies are now targeting the bulk of their title releases for Q3. In the past the ramp up was for the holiday season, but now it appears that getting the title out earlier helps sustain the marketability of the title during the holiday season and it also allows for price adjustments of the title if it isn’t successful to help move it during holiday time.
EA is slated to ship twenty-one titles during Q3, while Activision-Blizzard is only scheduled to ship nineteen titles during the same period. The majority of the titles will be released for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, but the Nintendo Wii will receive a fair share of titles, as well.