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FFOW Roadmap announced for PC

Kaos looks into the crystal ball
Kaos Studios is giving Frontlines Fuel of War players a look into the future with a road map of their upcoming patch agenda might include the list below. We say “might include” because Kaos does not yet know what they may or may not be able to deliver and in what time frame.
The next patch for the PC version is slated to be version 1.1.1 and is likely to include:
* Fix so that players will no longer be kicked by Punkbuster for using the comma “,” or forward slash “/” character in their names in multiplayer matches
* Fix the binding for the Action key (E) has been fixed. This is also used for the Exit Vehicle function
* Keys that have already been used will be checked for when changing control key bindings
* The distance for melee attacks has been shortened
* The “pipe” character will no longer hide text in the server information window
* Chinese translation errors on the server browser have been fixed
* The Frontline will show up properly on the map
* Fixed first-person weapon animation blends between run and sprint
* Added functionality to allow firing of a weapon to break sprint. Previously, you had to come out of sprint and then left-click to fire
After the 1.1.1 patch is released, a second patch is targeted for release, which will be 1.2.0. The 1.2.0 patch is likely to include:
* New Map – Boneyard
* New Vehicle – Rocket-Mounted Light Armored Vehicles & Red Star Transport Heli
* New Weapon – Automatic Shotgun
* New Game Mode – Conquer (for all original maps as well as Boneyard; future maps will also include Conquer mode)
* Server Browser, Phase 2 – Additional filters, ability to update cached server list, clan and host banner support, and total player/servers count
* Joystick Support
* Leaderboards
* Dedicated Server Tools
* Xfire Support
* ATI Crossfire Support
In addition to the 1.1.1 patch and the 1.2.0 patch, Kaos is also planning additional downloadable content for the PC version, as well. Planned downloadable content is planned to include the following new maps: Hindsight, Sunder, Wide-Awake, and Infiltration. In addition, the downloadable content will also include new air vehicles for both the Western Coalition and Red Star forces, as well as a new Anti-Air Rocket Launcher to help deal with these new air vehicles.
While we know that Kaos has already started work on FFOW 2 for THQ, it is a welcomed sight to see them continue to update and support the first FFOW. Our opinion of FFOW still has not changed much from the initial release of the game. Basically, it is still a good title with lots of promise that continues to get better with each and every patch.
Still, we can’t help but feel that we have been subject to doing a lot of field testing for Kaos while they have struggled to work out the bugs and smooth out the game play in FFOW. We suspect that FFOW 2 will be more polished due to all of these patches and fixes that they have done for FFOW, but we are hopeful that they have learned that heavy cost in frustrated players hurts any new game and they might be better off taking their time to get things closer to right prior to release.