After a successful start to this new online game, the developer has already commenced polishing and launching a couple of updates aimed at a few bugs that were overlooked in the Beta versions. However, another thing threatens to ruin the gaming experience, as well as the economy system – and that’s virtual money sales. Not only is it present, but it grows proportionally to the game.
The head designer of Pirates, Kevin Maginn, has published an article on, offering his opinions as well as certain steps that will be taken to address this serious problem. He claims there are two ways – safety measures offered by the system itself and the players - who might help the administrators in finding spammers and gold dealers.
He didn’t want to comment more on the actual system safety measures because it would give spammers an insight into the changes made in the system, but he did comment that customer help will be crucial, and in the future, he says, there will be options to report these “pirates” with a single click of a mouse. After that, GM’s would deal with it and if the allegations prove to be true, the account would be banned.
We’re keeping our fingers crossed and we salute the efforts made toward solving this problem, but we honestly think that a couple of banned accounts will not stop gold dealers from doing this. The customer-help and system counter-measures efficiencies are yet to be seen, but we are somewhat skeptical. You can read Kevin Maginn’s article here.