When Nvidia said it didn’t spend any cash on Crysis this might have even been partially true. It is a digital world so barely anyone sees any bills these days. Nvidia, on the other hand, did spend a lot of money on Crysis marketing.
Sources very close to the company have said that the company spent some 4 to 5 million dollars in marketing. They didn’t give the money, they simply spent it for marketing, and I am sure that that makes a huge difference.
A significant amount of money was burned in Crysis launch events that Nvidia did in Turkey, Norway, Finland, Mexico, Switzerland, Australia and the common countries in E.U. and U.S.
Nvidia also spent a lot of money on Geforce LAN in San Francisco where it wanted to put some focus on Crysis.
This number of 4 to 5 million also involves some Add-in board partners and OEM bundles that Nvidia did with the game.
So Nvidia didn’t give any cash, just the value worth of $4 million. I wish it invested this kind of money in independent publishers such as ourselves, as we would surely see a lot of value there.
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Nvidia spent 4 to 5 million on Crysis marketing
Sources close to the company claim