Electronic Arts announced that Will Wrights’ Planet Spore will be hitting the shelves before Christmas 2008. Will Wrights, famous for his Sim City game, has taken time to design a simulation of our universe. Quite modest isn'i it?
Planet Spore will let you play through the whole evolution frin a single organism on our planet. There are six life-cycles in the game and you start as a tiny microbe. The only fun you have is swimming around and getting DNA points. When you get enough, you can use these points to access the first “creature editor.” With this editor, you can create a new creature (the next step in evolution) with head, feet and teeth.
Level number two brings a similar goal – eat and don’t get eaten. Of course, you’ll have to find a partner in order to have some fun and reproduce, and when you become part of a small in-game community, voila – the tribe phase begins. That’s when solo gaming ends, and care for your tribe-members begins.
The idea and the concept sound fantastic and we can’t wait until this game launches. Until then, you can check out a few screenshots and a couple of trailers here.