Published in Gaming

Eidos sinking ever deeper with Kane & Lynch

by on05 December 2007


Fabricated review scores and quotes


Like there wasn't enough controversy about the Kane & Lynch game, and just when you thought that certain things couldn't get any worse, another surprise is probably just around the corner; and Eidos had one up its sleeve.

This one should have stayed hidden in that sleeve, or at least Eidos hopes it will. Eidos has put the two review scores, one from Game Informer and other from Gamespy onto its official game site. This would all be nice if these scores and reviews were actually true. The review from Game Informer doesn't have "A mercenary, a psychopath, & a bundle of cash...what could go wrong?" quote anywhere in the review and they certainly don't give stars. Instead, they do it in numbers and they gave Kane & Lynch 7 out of 10.

With Gamespy we have the same situation, no mentioned quote in the review and yet again, a different score from the one found on the Eidos Website. The Gamespy quote has been taken from the early E3 2007 coverage and Gamespy gave this game three stars.

The future doesn't look too bright for Eidos. First, there was the alleged Gerstmann firing from Gamespot because of the pressure from Eidos and now this. You can find more info over at

Courtesy of

Last modified on 07 December 2007
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