Published in Gaming

Metal Gear Solid 4 aims high

by on30 November 2007


Must sell a million copies on day one


High development costs and high expectations from the community have forced Konami to admit that the new Metal Gear Solid 4 will have to sell a whole million on the first day just to cover its development costs.

Reuters reported producer Ryan Payton commented that "the new Metal Gear Solid needs to sell over a million copies on the first day it goes on sale due to its costly production." And there is that little thing called PlayStation 3 exclusivity, which was Konami's choice from the beginning. We have no doubt that Metal Gear Solid 4 will sell a lot of copies, maybe even become a best selling Playstation 3 game, but one million on the first day is unlikely to happen.

It is still unclear if Payton was talking about the global launch or just North America, but in any case one million is far too much. Payton also added that "The PlayStation brand has always been good to us, and we're pretty bullish on the PS3."  Let's just hope that the "bullish" prediction pays off.

Last modified on 01 December 2007
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