Published in Gaming

New season for Sam and Max

by on28 July 2007
Telltale Games has announced season two

After the huge success of the first season that should hit retail as a box set season this August, Telltale announced that the second season's first episode will hit Gametap this fall.

Unlike the first season's two week exclusivity on Gametap, first episode of the second season will be available on Telltale's Web site next day.

Press release had a little to none information about the new season. Only thing is the quote of the Dave Grossman Telltale's design director, "We're sticking with the dramatic structure and accessible gameplay style that are working so well, focusing on telling crazier stories, and telling them better. You'll see some changes to the world, improvements that were born out of player feedback and our own desire to create the smoothest and most entertaining experience possible."

The first season was very good, lets just hope that Telltale Games can make it even better.



Last modified on 29 July 2007
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