The one and only Hideo Kojima appeared at Sony Computer Entertainment's PlayStation Premiere 2007 in Tokyo, and while everyone expected to see a the same trailer shown on E3, Kojima had something more "solid" on its mind.
While everyone probably held their mouth closed Kojima started an exclusive Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots gameplay demonstration.
Hideo Kojima showed a lot of details for the upcoming sequel, and as he claimed, his last one. First in line was a new scope named Solid Eye, then he showed two different factions that player can decide to, or not to, join. Other interesting features are, Octocam, a well known camouflage suit with some new add-ons, ability to take enemy's weapons, and a lot of different weapons.
You can read the full demo description over at Gamespot.
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Hideo Kojima shows Metal Gear Solid 4

The MGS 4 demo at Playstation event in Tokyo