Gamecock of Austin, Texas is hosting an “Anti-E3 Conference” that is going on at the same time as the scaled down E3 Conference.
While many developers feel that the new E3 Conference format is just too ritzy and expensive, the Expo for Interactive Entertainment, Independent and Original (E.I.E.I.O.) is hosting their conference in a beach front environment - complete with hot dogs and cold beer in coolers.
The EIEIO is the only option for smaller publishers who used to fill the basements at the old E3 with plenty of new titles to show. While the Hawaiian shirts and flip-flops might be a bit much, the titles that these developers are showing for console and PCs include Mushroom Men, Insecticide, Hail to the Chimp and Dungeon Hero. Far and away, the EIEIO could become the popular place for the hip people to be hanging out during E3.