Published in Gaming

Duke Nukem site packed with Irony

by on09 July 2007


We have heard them all before


The Official Duke Nukem Forever site has some fairly amusing comments for those who have been waiting for the game for years.

It is fairly clear that the release date of the game is a running joke even among the company which has been trying to make it.

The site says that it is still impossible to pre-order the game. "If you see some online store saying "We are taking pre-orders", they're just trying to get your money (they usually also make up their own supposed "insider release date info", too), " the site said.

It said that there is no release date set and no-one could be taking pre-orders for the game.

Officially, the site says that the release date of this game is "When it's done" and anything else, and we mean anything else is someone's speculation.

"We don't know any date. If you have a friend who claims they have "inside info", or there's some game news site, or some computer store at the mall who claims they know - they do not. They are making it up. There is no date. Period."

Finally the developers admit that they know the game has taken a long time.

"There's no possible joke you could make about the game's development time that we haven't already heard," the site says.

More here.

Last modified on 09 July 2007
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