Published in Gaming

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare new trailer

by on09 July 2007


Gametrailers E307 Exclusive

Since E3 is getting closer, more info about the upcoming games gets released. managed to get their hands on World's exclusive E307, Infinity Ward's new trailer and its Call of Duty sequel, one that moves away from World War II theme to Modern Warfare.


New trailer looks really good, based entirely on gameplay footage, at least according to what is stated at the start of the trailer. Trailer footage takes place in Pripyat, Ukraine, or better known as Chernobyl outskirts. Helicopters, gun fire and nuclear detonation are just a small part of the things shown in the new trailer, and we already wrote about the game story details here.

You can check out the new trailer here.

Last modified on 09 July 2007
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