Published in Gaming

Artwizz Sport-Set for Wii

by on17 March 2007


CEBIT 2007: Wii just got better 


    We thought that the controller for Wii was great, but Artwiz thought that it could make it even better. And they succeeded. You just have to put your Wii in a special cradle, attach a special Grip, and the fun starts.

We have tried these add ons, and they work fantastic. Playing tennis with the special Racket grip is million times better than the best gamepads. We can tell that fitness fanatics will going after Wii consoles with these Grips, because after two sets of tennis, you will sweat a lot!

Playing baseball has never been more simple, and the best part of it is that you can enjoy playing the game at your home and also exercise your muscles. Golf is not our type of game, so we tried it only a little bit.

The company is still searching for distributors around Europe. 


Artwizz link.



Last modified on 17 March 2007
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